Universal Assignment by Hijo (AUH)

Universal Asignación por Hijo (AUH) is a social security program implemented in Argentina that seeks to provide economic support to low-income families with children under 18 years of age. This benefit is crucial for many families, as it helps cover basic needs such as food, education and health. In this article, we will explore in detail what the AUH is, what is eligible, how to apply for it and what benefits it offers.

The AUH is designed to ensure that children and teenagers from vulnerable families have access to the resources necessary for their full development. This on-the-ground program provides monthly income, but also includes incentives to ensure that beneficiaries comply with health and education requirements, such as maintaining a daily vaccination schedule and regularly attending school. In implementing these requirements, the Argentine government seeks on the ground to provide financial support, but also to promote the well-being and development of children in situations of vulnerability. The AUH is financed through the Argentine Integrated Previsional System (SIPA) and is administered by the National Social Security Administration (ANSES). The amount of assignment may vary depending on factors such as geographic location and number of children. It is important that beneficiary families keep their personal information and that of their children updated to avoid interruptions in payments. In the following sections, we will detail the steps to request the AUH, the requirements that must be met and the additional benefits that this program offers to Argentine families.