Universal Assignment by Hijo (AUH)

What is the Universal Assignment by Hijo?

Universal Asignación por Hijo (AUH) is a social assistance program that provides monthly income to low-income families with children under 18 years old or disabled without the age limit. The main objective of the AUH is to reduce child poverty and guarantee that all children in Argentina have access to basic needs and fundamental rights.

  • Beneficiaries: The AUH is aimed at informal, unemployed and domestic service workers who do not have enough income to support their children.
  • Mount: The assignment amount is updated periodically and may vary depending on the region and number of children.
  • Requirements: To receive the AUH, families must meet certain requirements, such as regular school attendance and a daily vaccination schedule.
  • Paid out: The payment is made monthly through the ANSES, and a percentage is retained until compliance with the requirements is verified.

The AUH is a crucial tool in the fight against poverty and inequality in Argentina, providing essential financial support for families who need it most.

Knowing the details and benefits of the AUH is essential for families who seek to improve their economic situation and guarantee the well-being of their children.