Universal Assignment by Hijo (AUH)

Requirements for Universal Assignment by Hijo

To access the Universal Assignment by Hijo, families must comply with several requirements established by ANSES. These requirements are designed to ensure that beneficiaries really need support and to promote children's well-being. Next, the main requirements are detailed:

  1. Residence: Applicants must be residents of Argentina and have corresponding documentation that accredits their status.
  2. Documentation: It is necessary to present the DNI of the priest or guardian and of the children for those who request the assignment.
  3. Vaccination: Children must have a vaccination schedule every day, which must be checked periodically.
  4. Education: Children at school must attend school regularly. Assistance is verified through school certificates that must be presented annually.
  5. Employment Situation: The AUH is aimed at families without formal income, informal workers, unemployed people or domestic service workers.

Complying with these requirements is essential to receive the AUH. Furthermore, it is important to keep all documentation updated and comply with periodic checks requested by ANSES to continue receiving the benefit without interruptions.

Understanding and complying with the requirements of the AUH ensures that families can access this crucial support, improving their living conditions and ensuring the well-being of their children.