Young American Apprentice: Available Vacancies, Benefits and How to Apply

Looking for information about Jovem Aprendiz Americanas? So, check out the main details of the program here and find out how to sign up!

The job market is not always easy for young people with no experience, but Jovem Aprendiz was created to facilitate and generate job opportunities. Through Young American Apprentice, even those who have never worked have the chance to be selected.

Registration is open in several units and you can sign up to compete for one of them. And do you know the best? The process can be done online, without having to wait in line.

Below, you can check out how the learning program works, the benefits offered, rules and much more!

About Young Apprentice

First of all, let's understand what a Young Apprentice is. Well, this term is used to designate young people between 14 and 24 years old who participate in the Jovem Aprendiz program!

In other words, it is a type of employment that offers training, guidance and insertion of this group of people into the job market.

Currently, the program is governed by the Apprenticeship Law (nº 10,097/2000 and Decree nº 5,598/2005), which establishes rules and guidelines for the hiring of Young Apprentices by companies.

Furthermore, organizations are required to allocate a percentage of their vacancies to apprentices, varying according to the total number of employees.

Vagas Jovem Aprendiz Americanas
Vacancies available through Jovem Aprendiz Americanas and how to apply (Image: Reproduction/Americanas)

During their working hours, these young people divide their time between theoretical activities, generally taught in professional learning courses, in addition to working in companies.

In this way, they guarantee the chance to acquire specific knowledge in the area in which they operate, in addition to learning about the organizational culture, developing professional skills and gaining experience in the workplace.

American stores

To the American stores are a chain of Brazilian department stores founded in 1929 by John Lee, Glen Matson, James Marshall, Batson Borger (Americans) and Max Landesmann (Austrian).

Currently, the company is one of the largest retail chains, with more than 1,700 stores across the country.

They offer a wide variety of products, including electronics, appliances, furniture, clothing, toys, sporting goods, and more.

In addition, the company also offers financial services, such as credit cards and financing.

It is also worth highlighting that Americanas has a significant presence throughout Brazil, with physical stores and also through e-commerce, offering a variety of products through its website and application.

In fact, it is known for its promotional sales strategy, such as Black Friday and other seasonal promotions, which has made it a very popular brand among Brazilian consumers.

And with so many product and service offerings, a super team of employees is necessary. Therefore, the network opened several vacancies for Young American Apprentice!

How does Jovem Aprendiz Americanas work?

As mentioned, there are many job openings in the retail area offered to young people aged 14 to 24 by the Young American Apprentice.

Through them, candidates have the chance to enter the job market, balancing work with their studies and personal life.

For years, the program has acted as an intermediary, allowing people with no experience to learn in practice and theory what it is like to live in a work environment on a daily basis.

However, to be approved, the candidate must go through a selection process, carried out by Lojas Americanas in partnership with a recruitment company.

But rest assured, as you, as a candidate, will receive all the necessary support in the process, being closely monitored by a collaborator with years of experience in the market.

How much does an apprentice earn?

If selected, the apprentice will receive, in addition to experience and knowledge, a monthly salary, which is calculated based on the hours worked daily.

Currently, the Young Apprentice must work 6 hours a day. But don't worry, because the amount received is fair!

Furthermore, it is worth noting that you will be informed about the salary by Lojas Americanas during the selection process.

Benefícios Jovem Aprendiz Americanas
Young American Apprentice (Image: Freepik)

Benefits offered to Americanas apprentices

Here, it is important to say that the Young American Apprentice will be entitled to the benefits provided by law, just like any other employee. Therefore, he may be entitled to:

  • Vacation;
  • 13th salary;
  • Transport voucher (duly deducted as provided by law);
  • FGTS;
  • Signed card.

However, the company may offer extra benefits, but these are not mandatory. For example:

  • Health insurance;
  • Dental plan;
  • GYM Pass (Gym discounts);
  • Food vouchers, among others.

Vacancies available at Americanas for apprentices

As we said, the apprentice will learn to work in different areas and functions, which may be different depending on the needs of the store where you are going to work.

Currently, some of the vacancies offered may include, for example, work in the areas of:

  • Cashier;
  • Customer service;
  • Warehouse;
  • Receptionist;
  • Administrative Assistant;
  • Sales control.

Who can sign up for Jovem Aprendiz Americanas?

Firstly, it is important to say that the Young American Apprentice is a program governed by the Apprenticeship Law.

Therefore, it has rules and requirements that must be strictly complied with, both by companies and candidates.

With this, it is worth saying that not everyone can participate in the program. Therefore, the following are eligible for Young Apprentice vacancies:

  • Young people with a minimum age of 14 and a maximum of 24 years;
  • No previous work experience;
  • Who can work 6 hours a day;
  • Elementary and High School Students;
  • Young people with an excellent school attendance record;
  • Students who maintain a good grade record at school.

Necessary documents

One of the biggest questions candidates have is regarding the documentation needed to register, right?

So, be aware that, generally, companies that maintain a partnership with the Jovem Aprendiz program ask for ID, CPF, proof of address, among other basic documents.

In addition, it is also necessary to have a work permit. So, if you don't already have yours, know that you will need this document when hiring.

How do I sign up for Jovem Aprendiz Americanas?

As you saw above, the Young American Apprentice It could be a good opportunity for you who want to enter the job market.

The program has several vacancies open in different Brazilian states. But after all, how to sign up? Currently, you can register online, either on the official Americanas website or on job platforms such as Gupy.

Below, we have created a complete step-by-step guide on how you can register on the Gupy website. Check out:

  1. Access the official Gupy website;
  2. Check the main information presented on the page;
  3. In the open field, search for “Young Apprentice”;
  4. If there are vacancies available, select the one of interest;
  5. A new window will open, with more information about the vacancy in question. Read carefully;
  6. To submit your registration, click on “Apply”;
  7. Once this is done, you will need to log in to the website;
  8. A new page will open. Fill in the form with all the requested data;
  9. Follow the instructions on the page and submit your application.

Ready! Now just cross your fingers and hope to be selected for the next stage. It is worth remembering that candidates may be subjected to a face-to-face interview, tests, group dynamics, among other stages.