Consult VTV Shift

Frequently Asked Questions about VTV Shift Consultation in Argentina

To answer common questions about how to consult the shift for Vehicular Technical Verification (VTV) in Argentina, here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:

  1. What is the periodicity of VTV in Argentina?
    • The periodicity varies depending on the type of vehicle and local legislation. Check the specific keys on the official VTV website.
  2. Can I check the shift for VTV by phone?
    • Some care centers allow shift consultations by telephone. Check the available options on the official VTV website or communicate directly with them.
  3. What happens if I miss my scheduled shift?
    • You can reschedule your shift using the same online process or by communicating with the attention center.
  4. Is VTV mandatory for all vehicles?
    • Yes, Vehicle Technical Verification is mandatory for all vehicles registered in Argentina, ensuring safety and compliance with traffic regulations.

These are some of the most frequently asked questions from vehicle owners about how to consult the VTV shift in Argentina. To obtain more information, consult the official VTV website or communicate with the customer service.