Consult VTV Shift

Consult Online Shift for VTV

Consult the online shift for VTV in Argentina is a convenient and accessible method for vehicle owners. Follow the steps below to carry out the process:

  1. Access the Official Website: Visit the official website of VTV in Argentina or the portal of the government responsible for vehicle technical verification.
  2. Select the Shift Consultation Option: Search the section dedicated to shift consultation or online scheduling.
  3. Enter your Data: Enter the requested data, such as the vehicle's chassis number, registration number and other personal details as necessary.
  4. Choose Date and Time: Select the available date and time to carry out the vehicle technical check.
  5. Confirm your Shift: After selecting the desired closing and time, confirm the shift schedule for the VTV.

The online process facilitates consultation and programming of the shift for VTV, allowing you to choose the best time according to your availability.

Consult the online shift for VTV is fast and efficient, ensuring that you comply with vehicle safety regulations in Argentina.