It is necessary for many other procedures. Find out how to download CURP for free from the internet and where you can print it.
La Clave Única de Registro de Población, best known as CURP, is an alphanumeric identification code that consists of 18 digits and is intended to register all people residing in Mexico, whether national or foreign.
For download free in PDF This document can be consulted or printed, the process can be carried out via the internet. Here we tell you how.
I can't print my CURP on the official website
Occasionally the official website does not work properly due to a large number of simultaneous users. In these cases there is an alternative to obtain your CURP:
– Go to the website:
– Click on the 'Enter Data to search for your CURP' section. A new menu will open.
– Enter all requested data: Verification code (random color code that is displayed at the top), first surname, second surname, name(s), sex, date of birth and federative entity of birth.

How do I get my CURP free with homoclave?
The homoclave is a number that is placed at the end of each CURP clef, like a number or letter. These signs are the ones that prevent duplicity from occurring.
The following steps to process the CURP with a homoclave are quick and easy. Furthermore, there is an advantage in obtaining CURP safely and without duplicates.

Download CURP free in PDF
- Enter the page .
- They will be removed from the tabs: “Clave Única de Registro de Población” and “Datos Personales”.
- Press it first, if you know your CURP; Otherwise, choose the second option and enter all your personal data, which are in each case:
- Name(s).
- First surname.
- Second surname
- Birth day.
- Month of birth.
- Year of birth.
- Sex.
- State.
- Once the data is entered, the page will allow you to download the CURP and view the option to download it in PDF format.