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Family Allowance Calculator

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Have you ever heard of Family Allowance? Today we will explain to you about this benefit, how to use the Family Allowance Calculator and how this social benefit in Germany works, which is aimed at the children of its citizens under the Hartz 4 program. Check out the full article, ask your questions and guarantee the Family Allowance.

Germany has worldwide recognition of social benefits aimed at its population, one of the most important among them is the Family Allowance. Kindergeld, like other social benefits, has the mission of providing a better quality of life for those benefiting, especially those most in need.

What is Kindergeld

As previously mentioned, Kindergeld or Family Allowance is a benefit offered to residents of Germany and to people who are emigrating to the country. The benefit was designed with the aim of increasing the country's birth rate, as this factor is worrying for the future population of German society.

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Kindergeld is offered at a value of 200 euros and can increase in amount if certain requirements are met. This amount is paid to the children's parents and is intended to cover the expenses spent on the children and mainly to finance their studies. Another important information about the Family Allowance is that the value changes positively based on the number of children, which ensures the same quality of life and rights for everyone, which is called: Sibling Scale.


Family Allowance is offered by the German Government until the child reaches the age of 18, however, the benefit can be extended up to the age of 25, as long as the child is undergoing educational training.

How Family Allowance works

Family Allowance works in a way that prioritizes the well-being of Germany's residents and although Kindergeld's primary objective is to support those most in need, the resource helps children, regardless of their parents' financial income.

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If, for example, the parents live together, the Family Allowance will be paid to the mother, but it is possible to request payment from the father. If, by chance, the parents live in separate homes or are divorced, the payment will be directed to the person with whom the child lives.

What is the value of Family Allowance

The value of Family Allowance is calculated based on what the German Government calls the Sibling Scale. The amount in euros that parents will receive corresponds to the number of children. The modification occurs as follows:

Kindergeld value per children

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  • In case of 1 child, the value of Kindergeld is 204.00 Euros
  • In case of 2 children, the value of Kindergeld is 204.00 Euros (per child)
  • In case of 3 children, the value of Kindergeld is 210.00 Euros (per child)
  • In case of 4 or more children, the value of Kindergeld is 235.00 Euros (per child)

This data may change over the years.

Germany is a country that has several public policies for both its natives and people who go through the emigration process, the country is recognized and admired worldwide for the support it offers to its citizens, Kindergeld or Family Allowance is just one of various resources that the German Government promotes for its residents. We will soon bring more information about the resources.

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