Search DNI by Nombre Gratis

To search for the DNI by name in Argentina, follow these simple steps:

  1. Access the RENAPER website: Visit the official website of the National Registry of Persons (RENAPER) of Argentina.
  2. Enter the Data: Use the online search form to enter the person's full name.
  3. Refine the Search: If necessary, use additional filters such as the birth date to refine the results.
  4. Review the Results: Review the search results and check the information on the DNI found.

It is important to carry out this search carefully and respecting the privacy and rights of involved people.

Financing a car in Argentina with the DNI (National Identity Document) can be done in different ways, depending on the financial institution and the buyer's resources. Here are the main options for purchasing a vehicle, using financing, purchasing with a credit card or loan, as well as information on life and car insurance, citing relevant brands and companies.

1. Auto Financing with DNI

Financing is one of the most common ways to purchase a vehicle in Argentina. Some of the main institutions that offer this service are Santander Bank, BBVA, National Bank y HSBC.

Steps for Financing:

  1. Vehicle Election:
    • Select the car you want to buy at a dealership like Autocity, Autocenter or directly at a dealership of brands such as Toyota, Ford O Volkswagen.
  2. Financing Request:
    • Head a financial institution like Santander Bank, BBVA O National Bank which offers automotive credit. You will need to present your DNI, proof of income and, in some cases, proof of residence.
  3. Credit Analysis:
    • The bank will carry out an analysis of your payment capacity. Depending on the result, they can offer different financing options, with terms ranging from 12 to 60 months.
  4. Approval and Release of Credit:
    • If you are approved, the bank will release the funds directly to the dealership or the seller, and you will begin paying the agreed fees.

2. Buying a Car with a Credit Card

Purchasing an auto credit card is possible, especially at dealerships and through financing programs offered by card issuers such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, cards issued by banks such as Santander Rio, BBVA French y Banco Galicia.


  • Credit limit: Most credit cards have a limit that may not be enough to cover the total value of a car. However, dealerships like Chevrolet Argentina y Peugeot Argentina allowing financing in several quotas without interests, depending on the value and current promotional conditions.
  • Interesting Fees: If you choose to finance the purchase with the card, check the interest fees, which can be quite high, making this option less advantageous in the long run.
  • Special Promotions: Some dealerships offer promotions for the purchase of vehicles with specific cards, such as Visa Auto Plan O Mastercard Auto Premium, which may include discounts or financing without interest.

3. Personal Loan for Car Purchase

Another alternative is to request a personal loan for the purchase of the car. Companies like Itau bank, Macro Bank y Banco Supervielle They offer this type of loan, with conditions that may vary.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

  • Flexibility: With a personal loan, you have more flexibility to negotiate the payment for the vehicle, especially if you buy it from a private seller.
  • Interesting Fees: The fees may be lower than those charged in direct financing by the dealership, but it is also necessary to compare offers from different banks, such as Santander Bank y BBVA.
  • Rapid Release: Banks generally release funds quickly after approval, allowing for a faster purchase.

4. Life Insurance and Auto Insurance

When financing or buying a car, it is important to also consider taking out insurance, offered by companies such as La Caja, Sancor Seguros, Mapfre y Zurich.

Life insurance:

  • Mandatory: In some financing, the bank may require you to take out life insurance as an additional guarantee. This insurance covers the remaining balance in case of death of the buyer and can be offered by insurers such as La Segunda Seguros O Employer Federation.
  • Roof: Check the coverage offered, which may include natural death, accidental death and disability.

Auto Insurance:

  • Basic Coverage: Basic coverage generally includes civil liability against third parties and, depending on the plan, damage to your own vehicle. Rivadavia Insurance, Allianz Argentina y Province Insurance There are a few companies that offer these options.
  • Additional Coverages: There are more complete options that cover robot, injury and accident damage. Evaluate the type of insurance that best suits your needs with companies like Liberty Seguros O Orbis Seguros.
  • Cost: The value of the insurance can vary significantly based on the car model, the driver's age and location. Compare offers from different insurers to find the best option.

Final Considerations:

  • Financial Planning: Before opting for any form of financing or loan, evaluate your payment capacity to avoid future financial problems.
  • Negotiation: Always try to negotiate payment conditions and interest rates with institutions such as National Bank, Santander Bank, insurance companies such as Sancor Seguros, to obtain the best possible conditions.